Monday, September 30, 2019

Advertising to Children Notes Essay

* Children cannot comprehend advertising messages due to their young age. * Children don’t understand persuasive intent until they are eight or nine years old and that it is unethical to advertise to them before then. According to Karpatkin and Holmes from the Consumers Union, â€Å"Young children, in particular, have difficulty in distinguishing between advertising and reality in ads, and ads can distort their view of the world. † Additionally children are unable to evaluate advertising claims. Beder, 1998) * Older children pay less attention to advertisements and are more able to differentiate between the ads and TV programs but they are also easy prey for advertisers. Around puberty, in their early teens, children are forming their own identities and they are â€Å"highly vulnerable to pressure to conform to group standards and mores. † At this age they feel insecure and want to feel that they belong to their peer group. Advertising manipulates them through their insecurities, seeking to define normality for them; influencing the way they â€Å"view and obtain appropriate models for the adult world;† and undermining â€Å"fundamental human values in the development of the identity of children. † Advertisements actively encourage them to seek happiness and esteem through consumption. (Beder, 1998) * Younger children often do not understand the persuasive intent of advertisements, and even older children probably have difficulty understanding the intent of newer marketing techniques that blur the line between commercial and program content. Calvert, 2008) * One key area in research on the effect of advertising on children has been analysis of age-based changes in children’s ability to understand commercial messages, particularly their intent. Before they reach the age of eight, children believe that the purpose of commercials is to help them in their purchasing decisions; they are unaware that commercials are designed to persuade them to buy specific products. The shifts that take place in children’s understanding of commercial intent are better explained using theories of cognitive development. Calvert, 2008) * During the stage of preoperational thought, roughly from age two to age seven, young children are perceptually bound and focus on properties such as how a product looks. Young children also use animistic thinking, believing that imaginary events and characters can be real. For instance, during the Christmas season, television is flooded with commercials that foster an interest in the toys that Santa will bring in his sleigh pulled by flying reindeer. Young children â€Å"buy in† to these fantasies and the consumer culture they represent. Preoperational modes of thought put young children at a distinct disadvantage in understanding commercial intent and, thus, in being able to make informed decisions about requests and purchases of products. (Calvert, 2008) * With the advent of concrete operational thought, between age seven and age eleven, children begin to understand their world more realistically. They understand, for example, that perceptual manipulations do not change the underlying properties of objects. More important, they begin to go beyond the information given in a commercial and grasp that the intent of advertisers is to sell products. By the stage of formal operational thought, about age twelve and upward, adolescents can reason abstractly and understand the motives of advertisers even to the point of growing cynical about advertising. (Calvert, 2008) * Increased use of the Internet to target children offers increasing opportunities for advertisers to convey their messages. * A new arena for advertising is the Internet. It is estimated that about four million children are using the Internet worldwide and this figure is bound to increase dramatically over the next few years. Beder, 1998) * As the enormous increase in the number of available television channels has led to smaller audiences for each channel, digital interactive technologies have simultaneously opened new routes to narrow cast to children, thereby creating a growing media space just for children and children’s products. (Calvert, 2008) * Newer marketing approaches have led to online advertising and to so-called stealth marketing techniques, such as embedding products in the program content in films, online, and in video games. Calvert, 2008) * Television has long been the staple of advertising to children and youth. Children view approximately 40,000 advertisements each year. The products marketed to children— sugarcoated cereals, fast food restaurants, candy, and toys—have remained relatively constant over time. But marketers are now directing these same kinds of products to children online. (Calvert, 2008) * Rapid growth in the number of television stations and online venues has also led advertisers to market directly to children and youth. Because children and youth are heavy media users and early adopters of newer technologies, media marketing and advertising campaigns using both television and newer media are efficient pathways into children’s homes and lives. Although television is still the preferred medium for reaching children and youth, marketers are exploring how to reach this age group online using cell phones, iPods, game platforms, and other digital devices. Banner ads, for example, which resemble traditional billboard ads but market a product across the top of an Internet page, appear on most webpages. And â€Å"advergames† integrate products such as cereal and candy into online video games to sell products to youth. (Calvert, 2008) * Although television is still the dominant venue for advertising, marketers are exploring new ways to market to children and adolescents through online media and wireless devices, often using stealth techniques whereby consumers are immersed in branded environments, frequently without knowing that they are being exposed to sophisticated marketing campaigns. Marketers carefully analyze children and adolescents’ interest patterns, focusing on games for â€Å"tweens,† as well as communication software for teens. Tracking these patterns provides extensive information that marketers now analyze in aggregate form, but that can, in the future, be used for one-on-one relational marketing strategies directed at specific individuals. (Calvert, 2008) * Online interactive agents are a virtual form of stealth advertising. Marketers program robots, or bots, to reply? to surfers who initiate a conversation. Such bots are programmed to respond to users in a one-on-one relational way that builds brand loyalty, as for instance, with virtual bartenders who â€Å"talk† to those who visit their sites. These alcohol-related websites feature humor, games, and hip language to appeal to minors. (Calvert, 2008) * Many companies have realized that children, particularly tweens and teens, enjoy using technology for education, communication, and entertainment purposes. The Internet allows tweens and teens to become involved with, explore, and learn about products when and where they want to (Schumann and Thorson, 2007). * Some marketers suggest that the best way to engage children through the Internet is by the use of ‘viral’ or buzz marketing strategies that encourage children to email their avourite commercials and other product information to each other (Schumann and Thorson, 2007). As the Internet has continued to grow in prominence and commercial strength, concerns about this medium have grown accordingly, particularly as they relate to children and teens (Schumann and Thorson, 2007). * Typically, these concerns focus around issues of time spent on the Internet and its effect on intellectual and social development, the vulnerability of children to advertisers’ tactics and children’s access to inappropriate content (Schumann and Thorson, 2007). One of the concerns often voiced about children and Internet advertising is how much time children are exposed to advertising messages while online and also how much attention they pay to these messages (Schumann and Thorson, 2007). * Because exposure to Internet advertising is not regulated like advertising on broadcast television, there is concern about the amount of exposure that a child may have to advertising messages. On television, a single advertisement for a single brand may last 30-60 seconds before switching to another advertisement. On the internet, however, a child can spend hours on a single web site playing games, chatting to friends, catching up on product news, all while being continually exposed to a range of persuasive messages for that brand (Schumann and Thorson, 2007). * While television and other media have long been used to sell to children, the Internet presents some important differences. For example, television advertisers are asked to maintain a clear separation between content and advertising; Internet advertisers are not. And television advertisers are prohibited from using their corporate logos both as content and pitchmen at the same time; Internet advertisers face no such restrictions. As a result, Tony the Tiger has free rein among the games, quizzes and activities on Kellogg’s site, while on television he is restricted to station breaks (Carleton, 2000). * Today, children spend an estimated $130 million annually, and influence another $500 million in household purchases. And the Internet is a great place to reach those young consumers (Carleton, 2000). * Unlike traditional media, the Internet allows children and adolescents to access different kinds of content, and a specific characteristic is that this can be done in privacy, without the knowledge of parents (Marshall, 2010). * The most influential sources of information for children today making decisions and keeping contact with peers are media, meaning that children receive far more information from media than from parents and schools. This phenomenon has been called ‘the parallel school of media’, which means that children and adolescents will daily use up several hours on various media (Marshall, 2010). * Children can very quickly adopt and use new media technology and companies and advertising agencies are extremely innovative and creative when it is a question of targeting children with commercial messages (Marshall, 2010). * Children are targeted because of the amount of money they spend on themselves, the influence they have on their parents and because of the money they will spend when they grow up (three different markets). Young children are increasingly the target of advertising and marketing because of the amount of money they spend themselves, the influence they have on their parents spending (the nag factor) and because of the money they will spend when they grow up. (Beder, 1998) * Children represent three different markets. In addition to the direct money that children spend and the money they influence, children also represent a third major market and perhaps the most significant and that is the future market. Advertisers recognise that brand loyalties and consumer habits formed when children are young and vulnerable will be carried through to adulthood. (Beder, 1998) * In Australia, children under 18 have an average $31. 60 to spend each week and they influence more than 70 per cent of their parents’ clothes and fast food purchases. (Beder, 1998) * Both the discretionary income of children and their power to influence parent purchases have increased over time. (Calvert, 2008) * The affluence of today’s children and adolescents has made youth a market eminently worthy of pursuit by businesses. Calvert, 2008) * Evolution of a child consumer. (Beder, 1998) – From age 1: Accompanying Parents and Observing. Children are taken with their parents to supermarkets and other stores where all sorts of goodies are displayed. By the time a child can sit erect, he or she is placed in his or her culturally defined observation post high atop a shopping cart. From this vantage point the child stays safety in proximity to parents but can see for the first time the wonderland of marketing. – From age 2: Accompanying Parents and Requesting. Children begin to ask for things that they see and make connections between television advertising and store contents. They pay more attention to those ads and the list of things they want increases. At the same time, the youngster is learning how to get parents to respond to his or her wishes and wants. This may take the form of a grunt, whine, scream, or gesture–indeed some tears may be necessary–but eventually almost all children are able on a regular basis to persuade Mom or Dad to buy something for them. – From age 3: Accompanying Parents and Selecting with Permission. Children are able to come down from the shopping trolley and make their own choices. They are able to recognise brands and locate goods in the store. At this point the child has completed many connections, from advertisements to wants, to stores, to displays, to packages, to retrieval of want-satisfying products. For many parents this is a pleasing experience. Ditto for the marketers, for it signals the beginning of the child’s understanding of the want-satisfaction process in a market-driven society. – From age 4: Accompanying Parents and Making Independent Purchases. The final step in their development as a consumer is learning to pay for their purchases at the checkout counter. – From age 5: Going to the Store Alone and Making Independent Purchases. – By the age of eight children make most of their own buying decisions. * Integrating a variety of different theoretical perspectives, Patti Valkenburg and Joanne Cantor advanced a developmental model? of how children become consumers * In the first stage (birth to two years), toddlers and infants have desires and preferences, but they are not yet true consumers because they are not yet truly goal-directed in their product choices. During the second stage (two to five years), preschoolers nag and negotiate, asking for and even demanding certain products. At this point in their development, young children do not understand the persuasive intent of commercials; they focus on the attractive qualities of products and cannot keep their minds off the products for long. These developmental characteristics make them extremely vulnerable to commercial advertisements. By the end of this stage, children replace whining and throwing tantrums to get a desired product with more effective negotiation. In early elementary school (five to eight years), children reach the stage of adventure and first purchases. They begin to make clearer distinctions between what is real and what is imaginary, their attention spans are longer, and they make their first purchases outside the company of their parents. * In the final stage (eight to twelve years), elementary school children are attuned to their peer groups’ opinions. Their critical skills to assess products emerge, and their understanding of others’ emotions improves considerably. In the later years of this stage, interest shifts from toys to more adult-like products, such as music and sports equipment. Although children’s consumer behaviors continue to develop during the adolescent years, the foundation is laid in these early years with a progression from simple wants and desires to a search to fulfill those desires to making in- dependent choices and purchases to evaluating the product and its competition * (All Beder, 1998). The ability of elementary children to recognize both traditional online advertising such as banner and button ads and embedded advertising that is part of advergames seems to be limited. With only about a third of the children able to accurately identify advertising, a large percentage is left unable to identify advertising content. * Children’s culture is increasingly dominated and defined by market interests, as advertisers, children’s industries, and other producers of consumer goods clamour to capture the hearts, minds and pocketbooks of this profitable demographic. * The creation of online communities and spaces for children and youth has thus become a growing and lucrative endevour for many media, toy and food companies. This article provides a critical analysis of one such online community called NeoPets, whose premise is that users create or adopt a virtual pet to nuture. * Acquisition of currency (called ‘NeoPoints’), gained by playing various games, exchanging or selling items, filling out marketing surveys, and entering contests and games of chance, allows for the purchase o pet food and other virtual consumer products. * Neopets is part of a landscape of global, youthful, digital entertainment products that have emerged with the Internet and technological convergence. In its few years of operation, 16 million users have created Neopets. According to promotional material, Neopets is one of the fastest growing Internet youth communities. * The neopets site generates revenue through a strategy it calls ‘immersive marketing’, a scheme similar to product placement in films. Food manufacturers and entertainment giants have thus flocked to neopets, eager to reach this youthful market through insinuation of their brand in games and activities on the site. * Neopets generates a substantial part of its revenue by providing market research and consumer studies of its users. The neopets website exemplifies the new ‘children’s digital media culture’- a culture which fosters deepening levels of intimacy between marketer and children by dissolving traditional barriers between ‘content and commerce’. * In neopia, products and brand names are integrated within the many games and features that are part of the rich content on the site. Advertisers and entertainment companies such as Walt Disney, McDonalds and Mattel have flocked to Neopets, eager to reach the tween and teen market. * The majority of neopets users are under 18 years of age, with 39% below the age of 12 and 40% between 13-17 years old. Neopets conforms to modern conventions found in Saturday-morning cartoon series, comics, children’s advertising and product design: the use of a brightly coloured palate, with a predominance of primary and secondary colours, and highly-stylized ‘bubbly’ graphics. * Immersive advertising directly integrates a sponsor’s product or service into the activities available with in the site. Advertisers hope that immersive advertising campaigns will encourage children to play with the products, thus enabling them to later identify their brand. As children and youth continue to expand their access and presence on the Internet, they adopt participatory roles in the creation of online content and contribute in meaningful ways to online environments, including games and communities. * As children are sucked into the commercial marker in an increasingly competitive cradle-to-grave branding strategy, neopets strategy of immersive advertising amidst a fantastical community concerned with the ethos of acquisition and entrepreneurialism as entertainment provides a salient example of ‘childhood as a cultural space constituted by consumerism’. Neopets global marketing strategy of cross-media licensing and integrated marketing is a blatant example of branding children’s media environments. Slapping consumer culture onto children’s culture means we are denying children a degree of autonomy and agency in creating their own spaces.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Informed consent is a process

Informed consent is a process by which the physician obtains authorization from the patient to undergo a particular medical intervention, after explaining the details, its benefits and the risks, and existence of any available alternative, in a manner which the patient comprehends the best.   It can be oral or written, and can be implied (situation arises in which a consent has to be given) or expressed (consent which is specifically mentioned).   A physician has to obtain informed consent before performing any procedure. A procedure carried out without the patient’s knowledge, or any deviation in the intervention carried out, without informing the patient amounts to ‘battery’ (a tort of causing harm deliberately).   However, there are certain circumstance under which informed consent need not or cannot be obtained, including public health situations, medical emergencies, incompetence of the patient, therapeutic privilege or a voluntary relinquishment from the patient. In a public health emergency, consent form the individual is not mandatory as a clash between the patient’s rights and the public rights; would result in the rights of the public prevailing (as more number or people would be affected).   In such emergencies, it may be required to treat or quarantine people, sometimes against their will. During a medical emergency, consent is usually not required, because in such situations the patient is unable to give one.   Obtaining consent may in fact take a lot of time and may delay life-saving procedures.   Studies have shown that consent obtained from patient’s requiring emergency care often lead to development of fear.   Some people felt that in such situations they were more often left without any choice.   Other studies have shown that physicians are more likely to do something beneficially for the patient, in such situations. A physician need not obtain consent from a patient, if he perceives that he/she is incompetent to make a decision about their good health.   Treatment provided in such situations would be deemed as ‘in the best interests of the patient’.   In some cases, the patient may have a condition that affects his/her thinking abilities.   However, if the physician feels that the patient’s condition is not going affect his/her decision-making abut health; then it would always be better to obtain prior consent. Therapeutic privilege is a condition in which the physician need not inform the patient about certain issues in an effort to prevent further harm to the patient.   A physician need not inform the patient if he/she feels that it can cause unnecessary mental tensions.   However, this benefit is often misused by physicians. Some patients may voluntarily give up their rights to give consent, and instead allow the physician to perform the necessary procedures.   In such situations, informed consent is usually not necessary. Consent is usually not needed for routine or minor interventions, as the physician may feel that it is usually implied, considering the fact that the patient has come forward seeking medical care.   However, for interventions in which the risks are significantly higher, consent is mandatory. References: Akkada, Andrea, Jacksona, Clare, Kenyona, Sara, Dixon-Woodsb, Mary, Taubb, Nick , & Habibaa, Marwan (2004). â€Å"Informed consent for elective and emergency surgery: questionnaire study.† BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 111(100), 1133. Foà «x, B. A. (2001). â€Å"The problem of informed consent in emergency medicine research.† Emergency Medicine Journal, 18, 198-204   

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Wake Forest University President Nathan O’Hatch Essay

Wake Forest University President Nathan O’Hatch hinted that the success of the University has come straight from the pupils that inhabit the establishment. along with the campus atmosphere created by them. He confirms that the university strives to obtain a vibrant and tickle pinking community that moves toward success through instruction and character development. I believe that Wake Forest University is seeking for pupils who will go forth a positive impact on the constitution while holding a strong concentration on their ends. I believe that my rational growing and experiences. spiritual background. and morally driven values and features will lend greatly to the enlargement of the Wake Forest community. Lou Holtz one time quoted. â€Å"Ability is what you’re capable of making. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how good you do it. † This inspirational committedness to dispute your head to achieve success each and every twenty-four hours measures the accomplishments that a individual will accomplish throughout their life. Throughout my high school calling. I have experienced many educational chances and held many leading functions that were critical to determining my hereafter. A person’s ability. motive. and attitude are imperative features that define their motivations throughout all of their enterprises. I have found it really of import for one to environ oneself with positive influences. along with a diverse group of people in order to spread out and turn as an person. If one converses with the same community each twenty-four hours. they will ne'er dispute themselves in their cognition. and in bend become less intellectually rounded. I strive to be an active pupil in my school who engulfs many thoughts and is all-around in the facet of instruction and extra-curricular activities in order to go forth a positive impact on my equals for the improvement of my hereafter. and theirs. At the beginning of high school. I embarked in a plan that has impacted my life in many ways. I have been molded into a confident leader who strives to do a positive impact at my high school. and on my community. due to my adviser and my personal committedness. This organisation was Student Council. In the 9th and 10th class. I was elected Secretary and so Vice President of my category. I so was nominated and selected to function as the 2nd frailty president of the full pupil organic structure. which finally set me up to be the Student Body President my senior twelvemonth. I have grown into a individual through experiences that have come along as a consequence of my being an active portion of the Student Council. My organisational accomplishments have proved effectual as I have planned and implemented many thoughts throughout my high school calling in Student Council. I have actively planned three Homecoming skits and dances. four spring dances. three Powder-puff games. two contrivance ball tourneies. three Mr. Cardinal Cabarrus Pageants. two volleyball tourneies. and many more events as a head leader in leading category and Student Council at my school. During my last two old ages as the Student Body 2nd Vice President and Student Body President. I have actively led the council in a way that has non been travelled earlier as we have embarked on a community service undertaking and active engagement throughout the community. As the 2nd frailty president of my council. we successfully raised $ 19. 000 for Juvenile Diabetes through fundraisers including a contrivance ball tourney. a spring dance. and many other little undertakings. We have set ourselves a challenge of transcending this end as a school this twelvemonth. I have organized the council to take part in the Particular Olympic Games at the Cabarrus Arena for the past three old ages to back up and promote these astonishing jocks. I strive to take the council and my school with a positive force that places a strong accent on community service and school improvement undertakings. Student Council has allowed me to work with the disposal and high degree functionaries in the community. edifice assurance in myself along with fostering my societal accomplishments. On legion occasions. I have submitted proposals to the principal and school board to implement events. and I have had to professionally stand as the pupil body’s voice as I discuss these issues with functionaries of our community. Although defeated after the Renaissance breakfast was rejected. I responded with enthusiasm to get down the following undertaking of Darfur Awareness Week. a cause for which I am really passionate. I have actively taken a function in the Beta Club. Mu Alpha Theta Math Club. National Honors Society. and Junior Civitan Club. as I hope to make everything in my power to go forth a bequest at Central Cabarrus High School. I strive to go forth the school in a better topographic point than I found the booming constitution. On an educational footing. I have enlisted in legion advanced arrangement and awards classs to foster my rational ability throughout my in-between school and high school calling. Currently. I am disputing myself to finish two strict classs dwelling of AP English IV along with AP Government merely in this semester. These two categories are the most demanding at our school. and I am one of merely 10 persons of each category who dared to face these two challenging classs in the same semester. I admire each person in these categories and larn new thoughts and beliefs by environing myself with these astonishing and bright pupils. In my AP English category. I have been exposed to many doctrines. and many signifiers of literature. including Shakespearian sonnets and dramas. which I would hold antecedently ne'er studied. In AP Government. I have watched and analyzed the differing positions of Democrats. Libertarians. and Republicans as we analyze the modern fundamental law and judicial system. I have set a high end of myself to accomplish success in each category with a wide cognition of information from each lesson. If I keep a strong focal point on my ability. motive. and attitude. I will go on wining in each of these categories. I believe Wake Forest University President indicates the success of the University comes straight from the character development and diverseness which is learned from environing oneself with persons of rational and diverse backgrounds. and this is something that I have learned to encompass. Along with disputing me each twenty-four hours to intellectually turn from my experiences and instruction. the importance of Christianity has impacted and shaped my life in many countries. I was blessed to hold the chance to go to a Christian school until the age of 13. which assisted in modeling me into a compassionate. honest. and respectable person. I received a all-around instruction that allowed me to apportion a strong moral background and foundation for my life. I learned the importance of maintaining a respectable repute. giving back to the community. and go oning to pattern unimportance before God. I have been a Christian for every bit long as I can remember and hold grown as an person due to this committedness. I have challenged myself to distributing the many approvals of God and representing a positive Christian attitude in my every twenty-four hours encounters. I have portrayed an active function throughout the community and have an aspiration of doing a difference in every bit many lives as possible. As the Student Body President. a member of leading category. and the Varsity Cheerleading Captain. I have had the chance to accomplish my aspiration already in my adolescent old ages. I am really active in Race for the Cure. Walk for Juvenile Diabetes. Particular Olympics. Join the World of Winners. and Darfur Relief attempts. It is highly critical to take part in volunteer community service undertakings for the good of your community. I have served as a voluntary Particular Olympics Cheerleading manager for a gym in my country. As I have surrounded myself with these kids on a hebdomadal footing. I have learned the importance of dedication. open-mindedness. forbearance. optimism. and compassion. They have challenged me to populate up to their criterion. which in return has played a immense function in the footing of my character. The nazarene one time quoted. â€Å"It is more blest to given than to receive† ( Acts 20:35 ) . With this poetry in head. a individual can turn to see the importance of giving and. in return. having the satisfaction of impacting a person’s life. As an eight twelvemonth old. I was one of five misss to raise $ 10. 000 for the Masonic Home for Children in Henderson. North Carolina. This astonishing experience left me passionate about assisting others at an early age after seeing the impact that I had left on the lives of those kids after we delivered the cheque. As I have visited legion nursing places and kids infirmaries throughout my life-time and straight met victims of the current Darfur race murder. I have learned the impact that an person can go forth on another individual necessitating support. With Wake Forest constructing their foundation upon a Baptist. Christian doctrine. my desire to make out and assist those in demand along with representing Christian character shows my willingness to go on to construct upon the Wake Forest Community. Due greatly to my educational growing and spiritual background. I have developed many features that will greatly profit me throughout my life. After being selected as the Student Body President. I have had the privilege to take Student Council and the Student Body in all of our enterprises. I have learned so many of import qualities such as the importance of teamwork. dependability. dedication. and the ability to actuate a group of persons throughout the leading roles that I have held oover my high school calling. My leading adviser has inspired me to turn as a individual and spread out my leading qualities into going the most successful leader that I can go. Over the last three old ages. I have become closer and closer to one of my end: Endeavoring to obtain success through maintaining a positive attitude and taking a life of solid moral character. With each of the nines and activities that I have been active in. I have learned duty and committedness is the cardinal to triumph. After my 2nd twenty-four hours of AP English. I was asked to declaim a address refering the subject â€Å"Who I am. Who I am not† . I was really nervous and exhausted much clip fixing for what turned out to be an inspirational address of what I strive to achieve each and every twenty-four hours. After finishing the address. my English instructor asked me to give this address to her Varsity Volleyball squad. I was so esteemed and dying. and before their large game I recited the address to them. This meant an huge trade to me. and I was really thankful to make my best to animate this astonishing squad. Through my English teacher’s encouragement. and my Leadership advisor’s inspiration. I have become a more relaxed and comfy public talker along with constructing a strong leading character to follow with me throughout my life. I am a individual who strives to construct upon my leading qualities for the improvement of myself along with maintaining an unfastened head to all thoughts of persons as I build on my values and features. Wake Forest University seeks to â€Å"wed cognition with experience† merely as a leader must make each and every twenty-four hours. â€Å"Two roads diverged in the wood and I took the 1 less traveled by. and that has made all of the difference. † Throughout an individual’s life they encounter many waies and determinations that define them as a individual. They must sometimes take the best way for their life in fixing for their future aspirations. As a individual of high motive. I ever choose to dispute myself with high ends and new challenges. Sadly. in today’s modern universe it seems that the route less travelled is the right route ; the route where. alternatively of walking entirely through life ne'er taking notice of others. a individual stops along the manner to make out a manus to assist those who are left by the roadside. This is the way which I have chosen to take for myself. I use all of my life experiences to construct upon my life and accomplish all ends that I strive to carry through. I believe that with a diverse instruction. strong spiritual background. and character inspiration to going a great leader. I will greatly lend to the Wake Forest community. Nathan O’Hatch’s congratulations to the beautiful campus and community of Wake Forest illustrates the purpose of go oning to construct upon one of the greatest universities in the state. I strive to be a alone person with high ends to go forth an impact on the universe. I am ready to run into the challenge of go oning to spread out Wake Forest University through instruction and experience.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Second Language Acquisition Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Second Language Acquisition - Thesis Example English is regarded as lingua franca and so notwithstanding your educational and cultural background, you have to obtain a minimum level skill in spoken and written English, if you want to be a global person. â€Å"For better or worse, by choice or force, English has ‘traveled’ to many parts of the world.† (Sharifian 2009) It is the circumstances which led me to become a multi lingual person. Learning English thoroughly and being a language teacher had never been my choice of career. English was not a completely new language for me as my parents knew English very well. I acquired the language in a quite easy and unconscious manner, as I had been learning English from the age of 6. I was born in Malaysia and later on my family transferred to Hong Kong, when I was just one year old. My kindergarten education was in Chinese medium. When we shifted to Hong Kong, my parents sent me to an International school. English then became my first language. The entire atmosphere in my school was utterly cosmopolitan. The students in our international school had come from different parts of the world. The teachers were from UK and they spoke to us in pure English. So we had an exposure to what we call a â€Å"Queen’s English.† I did not have to take much effort while learning English. It was a traditional method of teaching which the teachers used. Apart from that, it would not be difficult for me to grasp English. It was because the entire culture in my school was English. The books prescribed in our curriculum were typical language books, which consisted of innumerable pictures. It was really wonderful to read them and to watch the pictures. We would be having different tables, quizzes, games as our exercises. I was learning English very comfortably and naturally like I learnt my mother tongue. The medium of instruction was English, hence every subject was taught in English itself. Though I have never been a language person, I could speak En glish fluently. I could read English very comfortably. My listening skill developed automatically, as I was hearing English constantly in my school, and later, in the places where I travelled. As long as writing is concerned I was a little bit behind. For me, English had been the source of communication with my peers. I had absolutely no problem in speaking English. The atmosphere in the school was global and multicultural. We had no choice but to communicate in English with each other. I was accompanied by the children from different parts of the world. Among them, some children were from India, Philippines, Korea, and Japan. Some of them were also from United States and England. When we were in school, we used to learn lots of nursery rhymes and Christian rhymes as it was a Christian school. When the teachers would sing the rhymes, we would repeat them. We would follow the same accents. Thus we got acquainted with the accents and pronunciation without any effort. Acquisition of En glish as a foreign language was really not a matter of concern for me. In our school, French was another language for study. To be frank, I used to get bored. I was not good in French. Consequently, I know French very little. English and French actually are the language of same family. But like English I could not be fluent in French. It might be firstly because I was not a language person and secondly because we taught French as other language and it was not our medium of instruc

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Terrorism in America Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Terrorism in America - Assignment Example   In Article 14, Jonathan Masters elucidates how militant extremism has posed the menace to the innocent Americans. The left-wing, right-wing, single issue groups, and homegrown Islamic are the four bands in which the FBI has branded domestic terrorism into. There is one more group known as lone offenders that can come under all the categories of domestic terrorism. Lone offenders are basically individuals who are not allied with any terrorist organization. America has the greatest danger from lone offenders as it is very difficult to identify and locate such individuals for the intelligence agencies but to our advantage, the lack of association of lone offenders from big gangs of terrorists makes their actions less effective (Masters, 2011). The four broad categories of domestic terrorism have been fashioned, based on their motives to spread terror in the country. The left-wing groups consider themselves as ‘protectors’ of the people against any kind of inhuman effects of capitalism and colonialism in the country whereas the single-issue groups fight against the laws and regulations that have a negative impact on the environment and are against the law of nature. Their attacks are based on the various political issues like abortion, environmental degradation, animal abuse or genetic engineering. According to the FBI, terrorists belonging to this group have executed thousands of attacks and posed a serious threat to the lives of many people. Much of sabotage has been spread by this group, and the FBI has failed to track down the culprits due to rigid secrecy in the group. Right wing terrorists emerged recently in the late 1980s and 1990s. They have diverse drives for their bouts like racial sovereignty, hatr ed and mistrust of the federal government and fundamentalist Christianity (Masters, 2011).   Furthermore, in the article Jonathan Masters argues whether America should amend its laws regarding the austere

Stereotype paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Stereotype paper - Essay Example Moreover, I believe that there is no afterlife because there seems to be no purpose in it and no one has proven it so far. I am prejudiced against these pastors who spread the so-called â€Å"Word of God† in order to convince their congregation to buy everything that they say simply out of faith and perhaps for their own benefit, even if that benefit were only a smug feeling of satisfaction that they have done something good or others have followed them. The more they assert their beliefs, the more they make me feel that it is just easy for them to say those things because they live rich lives and they are not exactly the ones suffering. I believe their convictions about God would be different if they were the ones waiting for their execution in Rwanda or dying of cholera in Sierra Leone. Nevertheless, I have realized that Peter Ditto of the University of California-Irvine was right in saying that â€Å"people are much more skeptical processors of information [that] they don’t want to believe† (â€Å"How Pre-existing Beliefs,† 2012). Perhaps, my arguments were also flawed in that I have assumed that for God to exist, then He must be good, and that for heaven and the afterlife to make sense then they must at least require some proof. It appears that I was not able to consider the idea that God may exist but may be just and not kind, and He may have a purpose that I may not be able to comprehend. Moreover, the afterlife may really actually exist and that just because something does not have proof does not necessarily mean that it does not exist. Lastly, I may have committed the fallacy of argumentum ad hominem against pastors because I may have attacked them and their personal circumstances instead of their actual convictions (Walker, 2009). I may have unjustly assumed that they were rich and had good things happening around them all the time that is why I assumed that they would not be able to exactly understand how hard the poor

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Febrile Seizures Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Febrile Seizures - Research Paper Example Up to 5% or may be more in the population is estimated to have had at least one seizure arising from any cause during their lifetime. Epilepsy can be found in any individual ranging from young babies to aged old men and women. It is clinically known that epilepsy can have its beginning or onset in both old age and in childhood. The underlying causes of seizure in medical terms in unknown. More than 32 different kinds of seizures are known today (Seizure and Epilepsy, 3). These are divided into focal seizures and generalized seizures. A seizure is caused by an electro chemical disorder in the brain. Chemical reactions are used by the brain cells to produce the electric discharges. When there is an imbalance of excitation and inhibition in a particular area of the brain a seizure can occur. In a seizure attack, the normal regulated function of the nerve cells in the cerebral hemisphere gets disrupted (Appleton & Marson, 2). Many people also some patients suffering from seizures have th e notion that the actual seizures are ones that have strong, uncontrolled movements. They believe that having an uneasy pain or feeling in the stomach, going blank for a few moments, or jerking of the arm few times is not to be assumed to be a seizure. It can be at most considered to be a minor spell. But the fact is any change in the sensation or behavior that arises from an uncontrolled activity of electric neurons in the brain is a form of seizure. In the human brain, the undersurface area of the temporal lobe is very prone to have seizures. The temporal lobe consists of the regions of the brain that are mostly involved in causing adult epilepsy. These temporal structures are coined by Greek names, such as the amygdale which means an almond and hippocampus which means a sea-horse. The amygdala and the hippocampus are the target areas for surgical removal during surgery for curing epilepsy. The amygdala and the hippocampus are also involved in controlling the expression of emotion s and in the ability of the brain to form memory. Seizures can also be caused by brain poisoning caused by lead and carbon monoxide (Seizure and Epilepsy, 2). Types of seizures Seizure is divided into two categories. These are known as a partial or focal seizure and a generalized seizure. Partial seizures are one that start at one side of the hemisphere of the brain where as the seizures that begin in both the sides of the hemisphere of the brain at the same time are known as generalized seizures (Pitkanen, et al, 6). Partial seizures are further classified into simple partial seizures that have no alteration in consciousness or memory and secondly complex partial seizures that have alteration in consciousness or memory (Fisher & Saul, 6). Simple partial seizures are characterized by motor seizures that include twitching, unusual sensations, unusual visions, sounds and smells as well as distortions of perception. Seizure activity can reach up to the autonomic nervous system that can result in flushing, tingling sensations or nausea. These symptoms of simple partial seizures remain in the clear consciousness and are in full recalling ability for the patient. Complex partial seizures that were previously known as psychomotor seizures or the temporal lobe seizures or the limbic seizure is another type of partial seizure. Complex partial seizures can have an aura, which is a symptom or a warning of the seizure (Fisher

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Georgia State Flag Issue Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Georgia State Flag Issue - Research Paper Example This essay discusses that the state of Georgia has had the greatest number of flags in the United States’ history. Controversies over the design of the Georgian State Flag have existed for a long time. Recently, Georgia’s flag was changed thrice between January 2001 and May 2003. The reason for these changes was the presence of the Confederate Battle symbol on the flag. The inclusion of the Confederate Battle Flag on the Georgian flag in 1956 has caused the greatest controversy in the history of Georgia’s flags. Criticisms of the flag began as soon as the flag was authorized and continued until the design was changed in 2001. The announcement by Governor Zell Miller of Georgia in 1992 that he would support the removal of the Confederate Battle symbol from the Georgian flag aroused renewed arguments. Governor Zell Miller attempted to redesign the Georgian flag but his efforts were thwarted by intense debates by the state’s elected representatives. Efforts t o redesign the flag were revived in 2000 when some black leaders from Atlanta pushed for the removal of the Confederate stars and bars from the flag or else they would boycott events such as the NCAA basketball tournament. A new flag design was revealed to the public and legislators. The new flag was meant to unite all Georgians and it minimized the prominence of the Confederate Battle flag from the Georgian flag. However, the Georgians were not satisfied with this flag and another one was designed in 2003. Currently, the Georgians use the 2003 flag design that they voted for in a referendum in 2004. This paper explores the controversy surrounding the Georgian flag and the reasons for changing the flag design numerous times. The legislators who championed the change of the flag are also discussed. Causes of Georgia’s Flag Controversy The main source of controversy was the inclusion of the Confederate Battle Flag in the Georgian flag. This flag was used by the Confederate Stat es of America during the Civil War. The Confederate States of America consisted of Southern American States that had broken away from the Union. The Confederate Battle Flag, also referred to as the Southern Cross, consisted of a blue St. Andrews cross on a red square background1. Thirteen white stars were enclosed on the blue cross representing the number of the states of the Confederacy. The blue cross was enclosed in thin white borders. This flag was widely accepted by the members of the public and the soldiers. The Confederate Battle symbol was incorporated into Georgia’s flag in 1956. There was a proposal to include the Confederate Battle Flag in Georgia’s state flag in 1955. Senate Bill No. 98 was introduced by Senators Willis Harden and Jefferson Lee Davis to change the design of Georgia’s state flag. The law authorizing the use of the new flag design was signed in 1956 by Governor Marvin Griffin. This was a sign of defiance to the Federal government for i nterfering with the rights of the state. One of the contentious issues at that time was racial integration in schools. The legislators were fighting the move by the Supreme Court to allow integration of races in public schools. The symbol was widely used in entertainment, books, and clothes and was used to show opposition to the Federal government. This flag was used in the state of Georgia as from 1956 to 2001. However, during this period, there were protests from Georgians because of the inclusion of the Confederate Battle Flag. Many people were dissatisfied with the design2. In the 1980s and 1990s, several Bills were introduced in an attempt to change the flag to the previous design3. Since the inclusion of the confederate battle flag in Georgia’s flag, there have been several attempts to change it. However, the controversy that occurred between 1990 to the present was the most intense, leading to the change of the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Aircraft Engine Anti-Icing systems Research Paper - 1

Aircraft Engine Anti-Icing systems - Research Paper Example Heavy accumulation of ice may also cause changes in the aircraft’s aerodynamic center thereby misbalancing the plane. Ice can also damage the engine by increasing friction of the fan and clogging its inlets. The most vulnerable of all aircraft components is the fan blade that can get damaged if the frozen ice is not removed. Ice build-up when low thrust is being acted upon the aircraft causes damage to the tips of the blade when the aircraft enters a high thrust region. An attempt to reduce the drag forces acting on the aircraft, by the pilot, may inevitably result in the accumulation of more ice. Due to these reasons, the accumulation of ice on the aircrafts is generally regarded as a threat for the aircraft passengers. The effect of contamination or ice build-up can be life threatening. In many cases, a malfunctioning ice protection system can also cause damage to engine components and fan blades. Ice can build up on the intake ring and get deposited deeper into the engine. This is particularly dangerous as this can increase frictional energy within the energy leading to a reduced amount of thrust and a possible disintegration or downfall. Sometimes, blockage of inlets or formation of ice on compressor blade suspends flow of air into the compressor due to which it may get restrained. Similarly vulnerable are engine probes that are located in the external surface of aircrafts. Errors within flight instruments and detection equipments can result due to ice build-up on probes. Airframe icings are equally menacing for the pilot. Some features and characteristics may make aircraft components more prone to ice accretion. In general, sharp components such as blades, leading edges, fins, antennae, propellers, and aerials, may gather more ice because of their narrowly exposed surface area. In the contrary, flatter components and those that are blunt are less likely to accumulate much ice during the course of the journey (Civil Aviation Authority,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Roots of Mccarthyism in the Late 40s and Early 50s Essay Example for Free

Roots of Mccarthyism in the Late 40s and Early 50s Essay Though the Communist Party of the United States (CPUSA) peaked with it’s highest number of members in 1940-1941, with 750,000 members, by this area in time it was looked down upon. It had, earlier in the decade, been a successful agent against fascism and a huge help in the advancement and creation of labor unions, and for that reason people were joining it. However, many people were becoming communists unknowingly just by attending meetings where they were given free food (a big draw to people in an era directly following the Great Depression). In the late 1940’s and early 1950’s American’s were very scared that communism would influence our country. This period of time was referred to as ‘the second red scare’. Americans had seen the way that Russia had been transformed by communism, and did not want their country to undergo the same changes. Communism was a scary concept at the time, and it was something that we as a country definitely did not want any part of. In the late 1930’s, an organization was formed called the House Un-American Activities Community. This community made up of members of the United States House of Representatives, was formed in order to protect Americans against communism influence and was responsible for investigating any allegations that were made about communist activity. Despite this groups efforts the United States was still in heightened fear of Communist overtaking or the possibility of becoming a nation similar to that of Russia’s. Senator Joseph McCarthy was a US senator from Wisconsin during this time period. He served for ten years, from 1947 until his death in 1957. He is most well-known for being particularly paranoid of communist efforts, regularly accusing people of communist behavior when none existed. He accused large amounts of people, mostly government workers, claiming that they were Soviet spies and communist sympathizers. By 1950, the term ‘McCarthyism’ was coined. The term refers to the practice of accusing people of treason, disloyalty, and other related things with no grounds and little or no evidence. The term is still used today and generally refers to political corruption, in which an important political leader makes false accusations about a certain group of people. A few events took place in 1949 and 1950 that spurred McCarthyism and the second red scare to occur. First, the Soviet Union (a very communist-dominated country) tested an atomic bomb in 1949. This was much earlier than Americans had expected them to come out with this technology. At this point, we realized that communist countries were more advanced than we had prior thought. In 1950, the Korean War broke out. The United States, along with the UN and South Korea, battled against communist countries, furthering our hatred and fear towards them. In the meantime, many cases of soviet spies came out. More and more ‘Americans’ were found to actually be spies from Russia and the Soviet Union. As the increase of found spies became more prevalent, people continued to point fingers and adopt an accusatory towards many government officials and become abnormally suspicious. Senator McCarthy made a list of all of the people who he claimed had been involved in communist behavior. This list was called the Black List, and was made up of many writers, artists, government officials, and other people important to society. On February 9, 1950, McCarthy gave a public speech revealing the people on the list. He claimed that 205 people were on this list, but later reduced it to just 57. Though some of the people on the list were in fact engaged in communist behavior, others were simply engaging in lifestyles that McCarthy himself had biases against and lumped into the list. Some of these behaviors included sexual deviance, alcoholism, and political decisions not aligned with McCarthy’s own. After being found to be on McCarthy’s list, the accused were brought to trial and vigorously questioned. The only way that mercy would be shown to them, regardless of guilt or innocence, was to accuse other people. This led to more and more people being accused and convicted unrightfully and unnecessarily. The effect of these trials was detrimental to people in many professions in the public eye. Many entertainers lost their jobs as a result of the public degradation. President Dwight Eisenhower decided to take a stand against McCarthyism when the senator began bringing military men into the accusatory trials. McCarthy publically announced that many members of the United States Army were personally involved in communist activity. Eisenhower was very involved in the military, a graduate of West Point himself, and when McCarthy took steps to slander the Secretary of the Army, he felt that it was the final straw and that steps needed to be taken to stop the epidemic. Also, in bringing in the military to his slanderous accusations, it was at this point that McCarthy lost much of his hype and once popular power. Involving army journalists, Eisenhower ran a story exploiting some of the hidden agendas of McCarthy in December of 1953. In March of 1954, upon Eisenhower’s instructions, vice president Richard Nixon gave a speech indirectly chastising McCarthy. He said, Men who have in the past done effective work exposing Communists in this country have, by reckless talk and questionable methods, made themselves the issue rather than the cause they believe in so deeply,† (Spartacus). Following the presidential lead, many leaders in the press began to fight against McCarthyism. People who had wanted to speak out for a long time but had been too afraid were now gaining confidence to do so and momentum was building. Eventually, McCarthy lost the chairmanship of the Government Committee on Operations of the Senate. Some feel that this marked the end of McCarthyism, and consequently America’s hysterical fear of communism infiltrating the country. However, others feel that this response did not happen as a result of McCarthy’s demotion, and not until the close of the Cold War. While most support was against McCarthyism in this era, there were few supporters and supporting groups of this institution and its suspicious allegations. Many of these supporters came in the form of women only anti-communist groups. Examples of these groups were Minute Women of the USA and American Public Relations Forum. Another group, which was not only for women, was the American Legion. They were well known veteran supporters who also showed much interest in the spread of McCarthyism. While these groups made up a large part of the supporters of the McCarthy sequence, the largest amount of help came in the form of the far-right radicals. They generally opposed international relations, specifically the United Nations, and were even against many of the social welfare programs. Particularly those thought out by the new deal, many of these McCarthyism supporters had a general opposition to programs that fought to reduce â€Å"the inequalities to the social structure of the United States.†

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Phosphate In The Moroccan Industry Economics Essay

The Phosphate In The Moroccan Industry Economics Essay The resources of Moroccan economy based on agriculture, phosphate, and tourism, and also sales of fish and see food plays a major role in economy of Morocco. Industry and mining contribute about one-third of the annual GDP gross domestic product which means all revenues earning by a country in the last twelve months period. As you know in the worldwide Morocco is the worlds second or third-largest producer of phosphates after United States and China. In this assignment I will explain and focus about the phosphate and the major role of phosphate in the economy of Morocco, because phosphate mining in Morocco is responsible for more than half of the nations income, which very important for growing and developing the economy of morocco. The phosphate industry in Morocco As you know Morocco is one of the largest countries of producing and exporting the phosphate in the world wide. Morocco phosphate is perhaps the most important mineral in the country, having diverse usages. The production of phosphate in Morocco is carried out in the four mining centers in the country, namely Youssoufia, Boucraa, Khouribga and Benguerir. The mines in Khouribga functions on the basis of the Oulad Abdoun deposit of phosphates, found about 140 kilometers south-east of Casablanca. The extraction potential of this mine is around 17-18 million tons annually. The phosphate ore extracted from this mine forms the basis of exporting them in foreign lands. Moreover, the ores also offer considerable support to the new chemical industry located in Jorf Lasfar The production of Morocco phosphate is owned and controlled by OCP, the state-owned company, the OCP group which stands for (office chà ©rifien des phosphates): this group operates on the five continents. Its traditional op ening on the international scene since its creation in 1920 quite naturally urges it to permanently develop adjustment, flexibility and anticipation capacities so as to adequately meet customers increasingly stringent requirements in a very competitive market(1). The OCP group is one of the largest enterprise in the kingdom and also employs more than 2% of population who work in the group OCP which help to decrease the unemployment in Morocco, because the unemployment affect the economy of the country and the OCP group which owned by the government they have more responsibility of employing as much as they can to help the decreasing of unemployment, and also this group help the employees to do training with the development of the technology. Morocco houses approximately 2/3 of the worlds phosphate reserves, putting it in a higher league than major competitors China, Russia, and the United States, and this table will show you more details about the reserve of phosphate in Morocco and other countries which producing the phosphate: Of the four major producers, Moroccan reserves account for around 50% of the world total. With Phosphate consumption growth estimated at 1-2% per year, global phosphate reserves extend, for All intents and purposes well into the future, for centuries. Meanwhile, depletion of the most economically exploitable reserves can be estimated to occur within a period of 100-130 years. (2) Morocco takes measures to cut phosphate prices in the third of June 2008 because the general director of OCP Mr. Mostafa Terrab announced on Monday (June 2nd). Using an estimated $4m in investment, Morocco plans to increase phosphate production from 30 to 55 million tons per year. Terrab said the measure is expected to bring phosphate prices down from the current $300 per ton to $100. Morocco owns an estimated 50 to 71% of the worlds phosphate reserves. As you notice from this chart in 2001 Morocco is the second large country of producing phosphate rock in the world after United State, and Morocco produce more than 20.000 tons per year. This is why phosphate helps the increase of GDP in Moroccan economy every year, and also this large huge quantity of production the phosphate in Morocco can put the Morocco as the famous country in the world and to attract many countries to reach their market especially those that not have any business relationship in the phosphate industry with Morocco. The secretary-general of Moroccos Finance Ministry Abdeltif Loudyi said in an interview on April 7, 2009 in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum. Morocco will open a special zone for the phosphate industry and hopes to attract 50 billion dirhams ($6 billion) of investments and also said The North African country will probably hold an international tender to attract investors this year, and build a pipe to transport the phosphate more cheaply.(3) When Morocco export phosphate to other countries especially to one which too far from Morocco can cost a huge amount of money in transportation, according to this problem Morocco want to use a certain strategy to reduce the cost of transportation and this is why Abdeltit Loudyi went to Sudan to discuss this economic issue of phosphate with the minister of Sudan. Moroccan phosphate affects economic issues The phosphate industry actively contributes to the countrys economic development; by its presence in five geographical areas in Morocco such as: El Jadida, Safi, and Khouribgaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ and the phosphate create wealth, provide jobs, offer training, get supplies from and have sub-contracts with a large and famous network of national companies and contributes in the creation of businesses. And also it is keen to ensure the wellbeing of its employees, collaborate with universities and support humanitarian, sport which OCP group is sponsorship with a lot of football teams in Morocco and also help cultural actions. The most important industrial exports are raw phosphates And processed products, including phosphoric acid and fertilizers, but Morocco also exports textiles, clothing, and shoes. Although Morocco is the worlds largest exporter of raw and processed phosphates, the phosphates sector overall contributes only 3 percent to the GDP (4), which helps the economy of Morocco to growth every year. The new agreement adds an industrial dimension, with the companies planning to launch a joint feasibility study into an industrial site to produce uranium from phosphoric acid. And this agreement is signed between Morocco and French this deal its very important to develop the economy of Morocco, this agreement which the president of French Nicolas Sarkozy visit Morocco with the purpose to develop the cooperation and research initiatives in the field of natural uranium between the OCP group and other French companies in the same sector. According to the last statistics which launched in the newspapers the exports of Moroccan phosphate increased by 7.3% in 2002, thanks to the Expansion of deliveries to India, and the 8% rise in purchases by the United States.(5) This increase helps the development of Moroccan economy especially in the mineral industry which increases by 5% this year. As you notice from the table there is a change between 1989 and 1999 in exporting of phosphate in Morocco to those countries, there is a very decrease of exporting in US by 40%, which can affect the economy of Morocco in a negative way. But there is a huge increase of exporting in Poland by 92% its too near to double, this increases help the development of the economy of Morocco in a positive way. The OCP group launched in the news Morocco exports of fertilizers dropped by 6.2%, and also its exports of phosphoric acid increased by 6.2% and those by a phosphate rock by 13.2% its a large increasing, and exports recorded an increase of 8.3%, all those increases confirms Moroccos position as the world leading exporter of phosphate under all form, with a market share that climbed from 28.2% in 2004 to 30.7% in 2005.(6) Just between 2004 and 2005 Morocco the exports of all types of phosphate increase by 2.5% which good for the economy of Morocco, this also resulted in a record turnover, as it rose to 2.055 billion dollars, an increase of 17.8% compared with the last statistic of 2004, and also a huge increase of 49.34% compared to 2003. This increase of Moroccan turnover can change the economy to grow progressively in the future. The impact of Moroccan phosphate in the environment As you know the produce of phosphates can effect the environment of Morocco in a negative way, which means the OCP group when they produces any types of phosphate can affect the environment and increase the percentage of pollution in Moroccan society over the sea or the air. The main areas of producing phosphates by OCP group are Jorf Lasfar and Safi, on the Moroccan Atlantic coastline; there are chemical industry plants that produce phosphate derivates including phosphoric acid and fertilizers, together with by-products such as sulphuric acid. The liquid effluents of the plants are discharged directly into the sea. In order to evaluate their impact, we have compared the distribution of intertidal macro benthos in several locations, along industry pollution. The results illustrate how biological diversity and species densities decrease abruptly in the vicinity of these industrial effluents, and also how recovery, as measured by the same parameters, proceeds with distance from the discharge points.(7) But the OCP group mentions in the annual report in 2005, which the group wants to have a good development and the implementation of the first OCP group environmental policy as well as the setting-up of the quality-safety-environment charter on July 20 in the same year 2005, according to this great initiative the group commits itself to contribute further towards improved community conditions life in Morocco. Morocco plan to develop the production of phosphate In 2009 Morocco especially OCP group launched a new plan to develop the production of phosphate or to help the phosphate industry by purchasing or using new materials and using new technology which help the production of phosphate to be easily and too quick. Moroccos Office Cherifien de Phosphate (OCP), the worlds leading phosphate exporter, said on this year it plans to spend 16 billion Moroccan Dirhams on chemicals as part of five-year, 22 billion dirhams development scheme.(8) The OCP group and also the Moroccan government it would spend the remainder of the money for the 2008-2012 development scheme on modernizing facilities, upgrading infrastructure and increasing capacity to produce phosphoric acid and fertiliser at its Jorf Lasfar site. And also Morocco will increase export of rock phosphate and phosphoric acid to India and has  offered India two sites for setting up a phosphoric acid joint venture, the Indian government said on Thursday 27 March 2008: Leading a delegation to Rabat, Chemicals and Fertilizers Minister Ram Vilas Paswan  and Moroccan Prime Minister Abbas el-Fassi discussed the prospects of increasing supply of fertilizer feedstock and intermediates as well as investments by Indian firms in the chemicals, fertilizers, steel and automobiles sectors in Morocco.(9) This good deal by the Indian and Moroccan government will help the increased of the exporting of phosphate and reach the market in India because this country spent and imports more than 5 million tons yearly of rock phosphate which include phosphoric acid and diammonium phosphate, this is why Morocco wants to get a good business relationship with India which imports about 1.1 millions tons/year of rock phosphate and 1.2 millions tons/year of phosphoric acid, and Morocco in this two last year wants to increase the export of phosphate to India and also export other types of phosphate which produce by Morocco especially by OCP group, another goal of Morocco and OCP group they want to target and reach other countries for examples: Belgium, Germany, and Italyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ and they want to do an agreement between the OCP group and Belgium government, and this agreement include other sectors not the only phosphate. Moroccos Office Cherifien de Phosphate (OCP), the worlds leading phosphate exporter, plans to nearly double production in the next six or seven years, a senior executive told Reuters on 28 Wednesday 2009. OCP already controls around 45 percent of the world market for lime phosphate, and controls more than 30 percent of global phosphate exports, according to company data. (10) And also the company wants to remain as the market leaders in the global phosphate business in the future, so the only way to do that is to almost double or production from 30 million tons per year to 54 million, (Ahmed Nabzar), whos the executive vice president of OCP Group, said in an interview. OCP group last year announced a $12 billion expansion plan for the next seven or eight years. The company has already begun exploring three new mines to achieve its output goals, and expanding those would cost $100 million in the future. And also OCP group with the Support of the Moroccan government they want to increa se the export of phosphate to the market including Asia, Europe, and United Statesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Conclusion We know that the United States is currently produce more phosphate rock than Morocco, but an estimated that the phosphate reserve by Moroccan it can nearly six or seven times that reserve by the United States, according to this information and looking towards the future. This puts Morocco in a good place and also in a very advantageous position to become the leading player and reach the international market in the mining of phosphate. OCP group starts to spend more money in the research and development, training which include education in Morocco or abroad. This strategy it can be very costly in a short-term, and the benefit of it can help the group to earn more profit in a long-term period.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Permanent Bonded Retainers After Braces Philosophy Essay

Permanent Bonded Retainers After Braces Philosophy Essay The next phase after braces: The moment you get your braces off then you move on to the next phase and that is of retainers. The role of the retainers is to help the teeth hold on to their new position and not move to their original position. This will help in correcting the overbite permanently. Removable retainers: Most orthodontist tend to give their patients removable retainers that they can have on all through the day. This is an essential part of the braces treatment. As soon as your braces come off what should go on are the retainers. The first three to six months is the most important time and this is the time wherein your teeth have a likelihood of moving back to their original position. This is the time that you should have your retainers on permanently day and night. The next phase: Once your orthodontist has examined the progress of the treatment, after the first six months of having the retainer on permanently they might recommend that you wear them only at night. This will go on for a long time and then finally, the orthodontist might advice you to wear the retainers only a few nights in a week. This takes several years and therefore you can look at the retainers as a permanent addition in your life. Keep your teeth in line: The thing about retainers is that they help the treatment and its efficacy to hold true. Once you have got your braces off and your teeth in line that is not the end of the treatment. What you need to do now is to go ahead and wear your retainers diligently as recommended by the dentist to ensure that your teeth do remain in line. What sense would it make to have spent so much of time and effort on your teeth and then let them slide back to their original position once again? What you will be left with is the overbite once again. Removable and permanent retainers: There are several different options in retainers that you could opt for. This allows you to be able to have retainers that are removable. You can also go for the invisalign retainers that help your teeth stay in line whilst you sleep. There are permanent retainers too but they are used on the bottom teeth. These are fixed on to your teeth and help in holding them together. This is an option used by the dentist in case of severe crowding of the teeth or most of the teeth being crooked. The orthodontist will use the retainers as they do not want to take the chances of a relapse in the teeth position occurring. Permanent versus removable: Most clients prefer to have removable retainers on. This not only gives them the flexibility of removing them for special occasions but allows them to brush and floss their teeth perfectly. It also allows them to keep a good hygiene routine. 5 Braces are Coming Off, but Teeth are Still Crooked? The concern that many patients have about the braces treatment is whether their teeth will be in line in a single row. The treatment usually takes them a year or two to go ahead and set the teeth right. There are several different orthodontist problems that people could have and depending on the kind of problem that you have, your braces will take that long to get your teeth in a straight line. However, if it is close to the time that your braces are going to be taken off and you still dont see your teeth in a straight row then you have a right to be concerned. At the next meeting with your orthodontist, go ahead and raise this question. The orthodontist will be able to answer your concerns correctly. An orthodontist is a specialist and he knows exactly how long the teeth will take to get into line. They have years of experience and expertise. They might also suggest a longer period of time for you to continue to keep the braces on. Dont be over critical of your teeth. There might be times that you might have visualized teeth that are all pearly white and in a neat tidy row. But, this might not be realistic taking several personal factors of your teeth in mind. Therefore, when you think of straight teeth go ahead and have a realistic visual in mine. Also, when you see your teeth without braces they might seem a little odd. Most orthodontist at this part of the treatment will go ahead and prescribe a retainer for you to wear. This will ensure that your teeth do not go back to their original places once again. You will be able to ask your orthodontist about a permanent or a removable retainer. These retainers will further help your teeth remain in a straight line and not move to their former position. A word of caution here, do not let go of your retainers or you are in for trouble. Your teeth will then slide back to their original position and all that you will have left behind is a waste of time and effort. The retainers will do a great service by holding the teeth in place. Therefore, the next time that you look in the mirror you will not find your teeth to be crooked. Just a few days without retainers, and you will have crooked teeth once again. Then you will have to start the treatment right from scratch. As soon as your dentist lets you know that your braces are going to be removed and you have a concern about your teeth looking crooked let them know right away. Then, the dentist will have a further closer look and decide whether the braces need to be kept on for a few more days. That should be able to make your teeth more aligned and in a straight line. 6 How Can You Get Braces off Sooner? Some people can be quite worried about the braces that they have on and wonder what could they do to get rid of them really soon. The quicker they are done with the treatment and the braces the better they will feel. They will be able to bare their teeth and smile without feeling the embarrassment of making the braces visible. Here are a few things that you can do to help your braces come off sooner. Hygiene: ensure that you maintain top notch oral hygiene at all times. Keep your teeth and mouth squeaky clean. You will be quite surprised to hear but the better hygiene that you follow more are the chances of your teeth sliding into the right position quickly. Do not eat hard food: the more hard food that you eat the more pressure you are going to put on your braces. This will make them work overtime. Whenever you have to eat hard food such as bread crusts, fruits and vegetables. It is a good idea, to chunk them into bite sized pieces and then eat them. Do not put anything in your mouth and chew on it. when you put things in your mouth such as pencils or pens you go on to damage your braces. This will make you have to go back to the orthodontist and the overall treatment time will be lengthened. Biting your nails: if you are in the habit of biting your nails or touching your teeth and elastic often then you will find that your braces shift position. This will be detrimental to the treatment and will take you a longer time to complete it. Also, these nervous habits are a good thing if you get rid of them. Foods to avoid: when you have your braces on avoid food that is sticky and sugary. It is going to stick on to your teeth and damage the braces. It might even cause severe tooth decay. Follow the orthodontists recommendations down to the last letter. When you have the braces on ensure that you do exactly as the orthodontist tells you to. Wear your braces and headgear diligently and for the right number of hours per day. Follow the cleaning instructions that the dentist gives you. This will help in being able to propel the treatment right ahead and get your braces off faster. Make certain that you keep the rubber bands at the right recommended tension. If you do all the right things then your braces are going to be off even before you know it. The good thing then is that you will have the kind of teeth that you have always wanted to and you will never hesitate to smile. Once your braces are off it will certainly be worth the wait. 7 What Color Braces will Make My Teeth Look White There are so many questions that a person has when they sign up for a braces treatment. One of the questions that are asked most often is how to make teeth look pearly white. If you are a teenager then it can be a good idea to get colored braces. They not only make the treatment more exciting for you but also go about and make your teeth appear whiter. There is an entire range of colors to choose from. Keep in mind that the color you choose suits your personality and your teeth as you will have to wear these braces for the next two years or so. If you arent sure which braces color will make your teeth look white then ask the dentist for a color wheel. This will give you a fair enough idea of the possible colors that you could choose from. Keep the color of your teeth in mind. Different people have different color of teeth. If your teeth are on the yellowish tinge then there might not be all colors that might look good on them. For yellowish colored teeth the best color for braces is silver or invisible. The darker colors on the braces make the paler teeth look whiter. This is one easy rule to remember when choosing your colored braces. The most often color that gets selected for colored braces are black. Try out the black braces first before you order them. Although no doubt that black braces will make your teeth look whiter than what they are because of the contrast they create, they will also go on to ensure that the braces look larger in your mouth than they actually are. Try out other colors that are equally as good as black such as dark blue and maroon. The contrast that they create, of the dark shade versus the light teeth make your teeth look pearly white. The color that you should certainly avoid on your braces is yellow. The yellow of the braces will go on to cast a yellow kind of shadow on your teeth. This will make teeth look yellowish rather than making them look whiter. When you choose clear braces be careful as they can get stained easily and reflect that color on to your teeth. Another good color that you could opt for your braces is red. Red makes the teeth appear far brighter. However, red might not suit all faces. On the other hand the color light blue not only suits all faces but is a good bet to make your teeth look whiter. Once you have decided the color for your braces the next step is to keep the color of your braces just the way as you first put them on. Some food such as tea or coffee can actually go on to discolor your braces. This in turn will make your teeth appear discolored and yellowish. Also, too much of acidic food will make the color in your braces to fade. 8 Hidden Braces is possible When you go to an orthodontist now you will be offered several options in the choice of braces and hidden braces are one amongst them. A few years ago this would have actually been unheard of. At that point of time, about five years from now, the most popular braces were ceramic ones. They were a far better option than the metallic ones but still they were visible and not hidden. Most people shy away from having braces on because of the way they will make them look. That is the number one fear of people when the orthodontist asks them to wear braces. But, now the braces are almost invisible. You need not worry about the ugly looking olden kind of braces in your mouth. The use of invisalign braces is the latest in braces technology. It ensures that you are able to use braces without the use of the ugly metal brackets. These invisalign cost a wee bit more than the other traditional braces but it is money worth spending. Without the metal brackets it will be hard to notice whether you have actually worn braces. The thing with invisalign is that they might not be suited for all patients and all kinds of teeth. If that is the case with your teeth then you can go on to consider the use of iBraces. These braces put brackets behind your teeth. This means that they are not visible from the outside. IBraces have become extremely popular and several athletes and celebrities have worn them to get their teeth in line. They are the perfect kind of hidden braces to get your teeth not only in line but also be able to smile without the ugly braces or metal brackets showing. They are perfect for people who are overly concerned about their looks. Also they are suitable for most people unlike the invisalign. As the demand for these kinds of braces increase more and more of them are being introduced in the market. There are newer versions of brackets being introduced in the market rather than the traditional metal or ceramic ones. These brackets are absolutely light and transparent which makes wearing of braces seem really nondescript. There are several different options in front of a patient in these days. If you are interested in hidden braces then go on and ask your doctor and they will recommend the right ones for you. This will allow you to hide your braces from the world. Also, based on the kind of budget that you have you will be able to choose the best option for yourself. However, people who have a grave case of overbite or under bite will have to stick to the traditional metal braces as they will be able to ensure that the teeth are in a straight line at the end of the treatment. The best thing about the latest technology being used in orthodontist is the use of clear braces. Based on this more and more companies are beginning to produce them. 9 Pregnancy and Braces pregnancy is one of the most wonderful phases in a womans life. At the same time when you look good you feel good too. It is important for the pregnant woman to not only look and feel good inside out as this will have a whole lot of impact on her well-being as well as that of her unborn child. When you have teeth that are in a straight line, there is no end to your smile. Therefore, if you have decided to have braces and discover that you are expecting a child, there is no reason to stop with your braces. Both of these can work as the most wonderful of life changing experiences for you. The right kind of smile can do a whole lot of wonderful things for your self-image and confidence. Why would you want to stop yourself from getting a wonderful smile and enhance the way you look? Once you have the braces on you need not have any medication or be on any special kind of diet. Therefore, this is going to work out perfectly for you. All that you might need to do is initially have soft food just after you have worn your braces. In fact, if you postpone your braces treatment for after the baby is born you might not have that much of time to take yourself to the orthodontist. At the same time there are some factors that need to be taken into consideration. The first trimester might make you feel nauseous all the time. This might get aggravated with the braces treatment that you might undergo. But, by the end of the first trimester the morning sickness is gone and that is when you can pursue the braces treatment. At times the braces treatment involves extraction of a tooth. This is not a dangerous practice as such but the X-ray done before that is to be avoided. Therefore, it is a good idea to let your orthodontist know right from the start if you are pregnant. If you suspect that you might be pregnant and are scheduled for an X-ray then wait out until you have confirmed the news. Now, the good news is that once you start the treatment for the braces during pregnancy, before you know it the baby will be born, you would have got back your svelte figure and a wonderful smile to boot along with it. This is certainly going to be like a new beginning phase for you. You wont be able to stop beaming and one wouldnt be sure if it is motherhood or the new smile that you have got. Look after your teeth well during pregnancy and there shouldnt be any concern at all. Braces during pregnancy are certainly no hassle at all. You might feel a bit sore and pain but that you would have even felt if you werent pregnant. Go on and make the most of the time that you have before the baby is born. 10 Braces On Bottom Jaw Only If you are one of those many people who have crooked teeth only on the lower jaw then you might need braces only for the lower one. However, most orthodontists will advise you to go ahead with the complete treatment which includes the lower and the upper jaw. This will ensure that all the teeth are brought into alignment and there are no gaps left in between. Also, this will correct the concern of over bite or under bite completely once and for all. The good news is that if your upper jaw teeth are all in a row then it wont take you a really long time to complete the treatment. But, it is certainly a good thing to have the braces placed on both the upper as well as the lower jaw. You could use different kinds of braces though on both the jaws. Go ahead and use metallic braces on the lower jaw as this will help them to straighten out faster and invisible invisalign or ceramic braces. The best thing to do is to consult an orthodontist. You might want to go to another orthodontist for a second opinion. They are the ones with the specialized knowledge and expertise in the domain of teeth straightening. This will ensure that you are certain that you will be able to get the best possible treatment for your teeth. There are several times that a gap in the lower front teeth might warrant braces. This can be set right within no time with the use of the right braces. A lot of people dont have perfect teeth and using braces is one of the best of ways to set it right. You will love the way your lower and upper jaw teeth will look after the treatment. There are several different braces that you could opt for. These braces and the right kind will be recommended by your dentist based on the condition of your teeth and what kind of treatment they warrant. Most people prefer to use lingual braces on the lower jaw and the upper jaw. This is because they are at the back of the teeth and hardly noticeable. These are the perfect kind for adult patients. The right kind of lower jaw braces will allow you to be able to go ahead and correct your overbite or under bite. You will find that your lower jaw teeth are no longer crooked and have fallen into a straight line. This will go on to make a whole lot of difference to your facial features as well as the way you bite and chew your food. Lower jaw crooked teeth can also affect the way you speak. All of this will be a thing of the past and you will be able to bare your teeth and smile all that you want. So, do not hesitate to go on and get braces for your lower jaw.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger as Holden Caulfield :: Catcher Rye Essays

The Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger as Holden Caulfield The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger, is home to the protagonist Holden Caulfield. There is no coincidence that he holds a striking resemblance to the author of the novel himself. Salinger seemed to have a similar childhood as Holden describes in The Catcher in the Rye. Both men also seemed to have a certain fascination with younger children, especially younger women. J.D. Salinger based one of his most famous characters, Holden Caulfield, on personal experience. Holden's story in The Catcher in the Rye begins with Holden at his school, Pencey Preparatory, which is a boarding school. He was sent there by his parents, who seemed to be withdrawn from his life. Similarly, Salinger's parents sent him to Valley Forge Military School, where he had a neighbor who always seemed to be barging in, showing a resemblance to Ackley. The reader learns that Holden is the son of wealthy parents from New York. It turns out that J.D. Salinger was also born in New York to upper-class parents. It seems as though Holden Caulfield's childhood is an identical match to that of J.D. Salinger's. Salinger had a deep love and fascination with young children, especially young women. In the 1970s, Salinger maintained a close connection with an eighteen year-old girl, Joyce Maynard, who eventually moved in with the author. J.D. Salinger continued to have many relations with younger women, much like this one. His fascination with young women is reflected in Holden, who has a similar mind-set. Even as a seventeen year-old, Holden is infatuated with his perception of Jane Gallagher as a little girl. It is this picture of innocence that Holden is in love with, and not what Jane is like now. The concept of, "the catcher in the rye," itself projects his interest in children. He day-dreams about standing at the edge of the rye field catching any children that are too close to the edge of the cliff.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The End of the World Essay -- Movies Films Science Fiction Essays

The End of the World In writing definitively about American films of the nineteen fifties, Douglas Brode refers to the societal hysteria resulting from fear of both the communist threat and the possibility of nuclear war. Accompanying this general state of mind was the emergence of the science fiction film as a major genre. Titles in the genre dealt with fantasy topics ranging from alien invasion (The Thing, 1951, or Invasion of the Body Snatchers, 1956), to biologial "missing links" (The Creature from the Black Lagoon, 1954), to the bizarre side-effects of nuclear contamination (The Incredible Shrinking Man, 1957), or to actual nuclear war (The World, the Flesh and The Devil, 1959). Another interesting example of this last category is Stanley Kramer's On the Beach, released in the last month of a decade which would be remembered for its omnipresent bomb culture. As the turn of the decade approached, some changes were apparent. At the same time that exchanges between Eisenhower and Khrushchev were bringing new, less frightening discourses to the political arena, Kramer's film in the bomb culture tradition negotiated new approaches to the depiction of the nuclear threat. As is so often the case in genre studies, On the Beach should be considered in terms of how it is representative of the context from which it emerged, but also in terms of what makes it unique. Through such an examination, as well as a survey of the impact that the film had upon its audiences, I hope to discuss On the Beach as integral in a culture of the bomb which spoke proactively and unequivocally against nuclear armament. Bomb Culture & Science Fiction in the Fifties "As the notion of an all-out nuclear confrontation became a viable possibility, w... ...reatly changed from Arnold's day) for their evocation of some part of each of us which reaches toward others in defense against a world which can be truly frightening. On the Beach is much the same. Aesthetically and narratively, it is impressive; it would be difficult not to be moved by the final honest exchange between Admiral Bridie and Lieut. Hosgood; the reflection of the young husband and wife as they recall their first meeting; or the chilling void of a grey, white and black world in which people used to live. Produced as part of the culture under- the-bomb, On the Beach speaks memorably of that specific context; produced as a carefully planned passionate requiem on the potency and vulnerability of human existence, it transcends this context, and reminds us today that no matter what the threat, as long as there is the human spirit, there is "still time."

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Commentary on Henry Handel Richardson(TM)s The Getting of Wisdom Essay

In this extract taken from Henry Handel Richardson’s The Getting of Wisdom, the author uses Laura’s perspective to present a scene in which a group of schoolgirls are seated and lectured in front of the rest of the school, of which one girl in particular, Annie Johns, is publicly called upon by their principal and accused of theft. The text is composed of six paragraphs, of which only one is dialogue, followed by a lengthy seventh paragraph. Told in the third-person, the entire excerpt is rich in descriptive language, enhanced by the use of alliteration and cleverly selective vocabulary, so as to achieve an attention-grabbing and detailed description of the characters’ thoughts and feelings. I find that Richardson is able to create a serious and tense atmosphere, evoking a suspenseful mood as should be the case for such an incident. In the opening paragraph of this extract, Richardson introduces the characters and sets the scene. The poor quality of the desks, ‘blackened, ink-scored, dusty, with eternally dry ink-wells’, indicates that the girls are possibly studying in a lower-class school where a higher standard of education environment is not available. Although Tilly, Inez and Bertha’s names are mentioned, it is made clear that Laura is the central character as we are given a detailed idea of how she feels. Richardson brings the reader into the intense atmosphere immediately, and apart from the literal description of Laura’s ‘flushed’ face, her difficulty of breathing and her cold hands and feet, further detail is added by the use of alliteration and shrewd phrasing. The consonance of the letter ‘f’ in ‘The cheeks of the four were flushed’ not only lets us imagine the pale colour of the girls’ faces but also picture the girls as they bite their lips in anticipation. This idea is brought to mind when Laura moistens her lips. The repeated use of the letter ‘w’, in ‘while the others only whispered and wondered’, forms a particular shape of the reader’s mouth, dissimilar to the shape of a smile. The fact they are whispering and wondering also suggests that there are matters at hand that need to be kept secret to oneself, and the writer is encouraging the reader to keep reading. In addition, we are given the first glimpse of Richardson’s use of placing a short clause at the beginning of his sentences. Using the word ‘But’ at the beginning of a sentence in line 4 is grammatically incorrect, but the author writes in this specific way to augment the reader’s idea of the nervousness the girls are feeling. Also to increase the tension, Richardson employs em dashes to create caesuras (that is, deliberate pauses). Consonance using the letter ‘f’ is used for the second time in the beginning of the second paragraph. ‘The first foregoing minutes’ recalls the picture of the girls’ lips, and the mention of the ‘foregoing minutes’, once more, attracts the reader to keep reading. Although silence is already present, Richardson makes a point of stressing the utter quietness, and exaggerating any noise that can be described, as minimal as they may be. This is done carefully when the writer describes the sound after Mr Strachey enters the scene as ‘an ominous hush’, the sounds of whispering and Laura’s trouble in breathing and when Mr Strachey raises his hand ‘to enjoin a silence that was already absolute’. This marks the beginning of a lot of light being shed on these characters. In line 11, the way in which Laura suddenly grows calm contrasts with the emotional nature of Bertha’s character later on, and this may show that Laura is less easily frightened or anxious and that she has the ability to keep her composure in uncomfortable situations. It is interesting to know that her calmness allows her to clear her mind of all anxiety and ‘take note of everything that passed’. Her calmness is vital for the reader to continue to understand and perceive the event as we are given her view, and the reader can appreciate Laura’s observance and self-control. The reader can also appreciate Richardson’s clever manipulation of this character’s perspective. As for Mr Strachey, him being labelled as ‘The Principal’ gives the impression that he has no need for a name in this current situation. The title is impersonal and implies that he is strictly being professional now. This formal occasion is also accentuated by the tidy arrangement of the desks, as unsanitary as they are, and the use of words and phrases such as ‘culprit’, ‘a few introductory remarks’ and ‘the present case’, relating the school-situated theft to an actual court case. Richardson then allows the reader to know Mr Strachey is somewhat of an authoritarian. This is suggested by Mr Strachey’s decision to raise his hand for silence that the writer vividly describes as ‘already absolute’ and his way of ordering Annie Johns to stand up. ‘†Will Miss Johns stand up!†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ is a question in strict linguistic terms, but the exclamation mark indicates that it is a command and not an inquiry. Bertha’s description adds a certain fearful quality to Mr Strachey’s character as Bertha cries from an overwhelming sense of panic. Probably the most outstanding use of alliteration is the consonance using the letters ‘b’ and ‘h’ in ‘Bertha †¦ the unhappy’ in lines 16 to 18. The letter ‘b’ generates a dramatic sound as we imagine Bertha releasing her emotions, and the letter ‘h’ produces a sort of sobbing noise that is gradually reduced like the actual use of the letter ‘h’. Last of all, Annie Johns is described as ‘pale and silly-looking’. Everything from the impersonal disregarding of her name, to the metaphor associating her with a small hunted animal, to the portrayal of her unattractiveness and insanitariness, characterize her as an unappealing person to sympathize for just judging by her appearance. Richardson’s use of the letter ‘s’ in the words, ‘stood’, ‘silly-looking’, ‘stared’, ‘Strachey’, ‘stares’ and especially the image created by ‘the snake’, foreshadow the crime that is to be addressed soon. The sounds created by the words, ‘mouth’, ‘fallen’, ‘half’ and ‘fear’, emphasize (yet again) the biting of the lips and the changing shape of the mouth. When we reach the last paragraph in line 25, all the components established in the previous paragraphs come together as Richardson uses punctuation, consonance and figurative language to vividly portray the scene and assign actions to the names and faces of the characters we are now familiar with in this particular extract. Laura’s ability to pay close attention to her surroundings is referred to as she is described as being unable to ‘take her eyes off the scene’, ‘fascinated by [Mr Strachey’s] oratory’ and ‘appreciating [Mr Strachey’s] points’. Richardson mentions lips again and this time, they belong to Mr Starchey. Particular phrases such as ‘the Principal passed on to the present case’ and ‘He made it all live vividly before her’ create a cacophonous effect and the reader may visualize Mr Strachey has he speaks dramatically, perhaps spitting as he enunciates too. Earlier, Mr Strachey is said to be speaking in a ‘low, impressive tone’ and Laura’s admiration of his rhetoric highlights this as well. Information concerning Laura herself is minimal, but we find out about her by observing Richardson’s skilful way of letting us into her perspective without actually writing in the first-person. The reader can know that Laura has the capability to recognize what the rest of the girls are going through by the way the writer talks about how Laura knows ‘what it was to be poor’ and understands ‘what it would mean to lack your tram-fare on a rainy morning’ (a brief instance of pathetic fallacy). Laura ‘could imagine, too, with a shiver’, to what extent the details of this crime could be revealed. When Richardson describes the lolly-shop as having ‘octopus arms’, and tells us that Laura is considering ‘if every one else agreed with [Mr Strachey]’, it indicates that Laura is imaginative, bright and deductive in her reasoning as she puts her observation skills in good use, and all of this suggests that her aptitude is possibly brought about by some difference between her attitude to education and the other girls’ approach. This extract was interesting to analyse and to see how a writer can use a character so captivatingly to direct us to what is significant in the actual plot. This includes the characterisations of Bertha, Annie Johns and Mr Strachey, as well as Laura, and the way in which Richardson applies alliteration to this text to create visual impressions. I guess I could say that I was fascinated by Richardson’s style as he made the scene and the characters all live vividly before me. I hung on his diction, appreciated his style and the clever way in which he worked up his climaxes. As grammatically incorrect as it is in saying this, I feel I have certainly been ‘getting’ some wisdom.